Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I knew her when she was THIS little.

My next insomnia induced posting shall be dedicated to a friend I've been playing FFXI with since...well...I started playing.

There I was, an impressionable, rosy cheeked little WAR/RDM, full of hopes and dreams. Running around one day, I met a little brunette mithra by the name of Firinia. Low and behold, I was only level 15 and I had an adventuring buddy already!

Now, there is something magical about this friendship here. Neither of us have any sense of direction. At all.  I mean none. We would go running off somewhere green and sunny and somehow end up in a mine with skeletons trying to kill us.

And this didn't happen just once. It happened multiple times. Daily. Good times, good times.

Anyways, one day we were running around Sarutabaruta as she introduced me to the Windurst area. I had been there once before, but my guide hadn't shown me around. We eventually come across another player. A Galka by the name of Xyraphius, who also happened to be Firinia's brother.

Now, at my level, I was very impressionable. I hadn't decided which job I wanted to be my "main" and when I met Firinia, she was on her summoner. Of course I thought this was the coolest thing EVAR, and wanted to be one.

But that is a post for another time.

The point is, Firinia and Xyraphius were the two people I could call my earliest XI friends. They were people I could get along with, go adventuring with and die next to. And believe me, there was a lot of dying. In caves. In the mountains. Miles underground....

ANYWHO, I want to express my appreciation for the friendship and good times Firinia and Xyraphius have shown me. Xyraphius has since moved on the things in real life, but even to this day, I can still count on Firinia being there.

When her and I met she was....13? I was 16. Now we're 20 and 23. It's such a weird thing how you see time go by in other people.

Still, it's so nice to have friends you can count on. I can talk to her about anything and she keeps me entertained with new music that gives me goosebumps and eargasms. :D

Thanks for being awesome dear!

1 comment:

  1. "Xyraphius has since moved on the things in real life, but even to this day, I can still count on Firinia being there."

    I'm still around, you know. I still even live with this same Mithra you speak of! I even still haunt AIM under the same screenname.
