Friday, January 20, 2012


You know what I truly enjoy? Respect. I don't mean "Oh look at me, I have a Relic/Mythic/Empyrean. Kneel before me." That's call being an Elitist Prick.

What I mean is when someone recognizes your skills and says so, even for the most mundane thing.

A mate of mine needed some seals, so we went to Abyssea-Uleguerand to start farming them up. He was on BLU and if you didn't already know, BLU can turn out some pretty awesome damage. Needless to say, he was bound to grab hate from going all out.

Now when he took hate, he ran behind me. Out of instinct, I use Cover, which directs all damage from him to me as long as I'm between him and the mob. The response I got was heart-warming to say the least:

" must have been playing long before Abyssea came out. Even then, only the really good PLDs used Cover."

Now I try not to have an inflated ego, but this made me feel really good. PLD already doesn't get enough respect, and for someone to compliment my ability to play my favorite job is a wonderful feeling.

This has been happening more and more recently, and I don't know if it's because people actually want to compliment my skill/playstyle or if they're just kissing up because I have a final weapon. There are people like that, hoping to get something out of you.

But really, I'm grateful for his kind words and the kind words of others. It's nice knowing that, even if the job I play isn't at the top of everyone's want list, I can still perform well and impress people from time to time. :)

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